An Important Announcement from Invigorate PT

**Please scroll to the bottom of this post to find links to the new homes of our online Parkinson’s programs.**

**Please scroll to the bottom of this post to find links to the new homes of our online Parkinson’s programs.**

March 22, 2023

Thank you for stopping by!

While Invigorate was officially closed in late 2020 (see below for more details), I am excited to share that I’ve found a new home at Spero Rehab in Austin, Texas where I’m currently accepting new physical therapy patients. If you live in or are visiting the Austin area, I’d love to work with you at one of our locations:

Spero ErgoWellness:

Spero Central Austin:

Spero accepts most insurances as well as private-pay clients. Please inquire if you’d like to be seen virtually.

Thank you for all of your support over the years. I hope we can work together soon.

My best,

Dr. Sarah King, PT, DPT

December 27, 2020

To the members of the Invigorated Community, 

It is with a heavy heart that I’m writing to you today. 

Invigorate Physical Therapy and Wellness is officially announcing the closure of our online and in-person Parkinson’s wellness services.

This has been one of the toughest decisions I’ve had to make and has taken months of deliberation.

While Invigorate has been blessed with strong growth, it has reached a point where running it as a full-time business is unsustainable for me personally. 

The past 5 years have been incredibly rewarding and when I look at what we were able to accomplish together in such a short period of time, I am truly humbled by and honored to be a part of the community we created. 

I started Invigorate because I saw an opportunity to improve the lives of those diagnosed with Parkinson’s by changing the system they were exposed to after diagnosis. I knew there was so much more to treating Parkinson’s disease than medication and praying for a cure and spent the last 5 years building on that vision. 

You have been an integral part of bringing that idea to life. 

In the past 5 years, Invigorate has: 

  • Enrolled 2,200+ PWPs in our virtual and in-person Parkinson’s physical therapy and wellness courses.

  • Created the 2nd most-watched Parkinson’s YouTube channel (trailing only the MJFF!) with views exceeding 3 million.

  • Reached PWPs in 51 different countries around the world.

  • Joined the discussion about optimal Parkinson’s treatment with PWPs and healthcare providers at a variety of local and national conferences, events, and podcasts. 

Thank you so much for trusting Invigorate on your journey, especially in the early days when online education and wellness programs were new and unfamiliar in the Parkinson’s space!

Fortunately, virtual access to Parkinson’s programs has grown tremendously over the past 5 years which is allowing so many people in our community to thrive, regardless of where they live. Without your support, Invigorate would have never been able to join the conversation about how we can provide better care and improve the lives of PWPs and those that support them.

While I’m unsure of what’s next for me, I know that I will still be an active supporter of the Parkinson’s community. My heart is fused to the people that I’ve spent so long serving and know there is still more to be done to improve the lives of those diagnosed with PD. If you know of any opportunities to serve the Parkinson’s community, please reach out to me and let me know how I can help your organization improve your reach and impact. 

Some may be unphased by Invigorate’s closing, and others may be quite sad.

If you fall into the latter group, I have one last request. 

Please take a moment right now to financially support the organizations that work so tirelessly to bring you the daily programs that you value the most. These groups are active in your community, supporting you day-in and day-out, and are likely struggling to stay afloat. They will only be able to serve you if you invest in them.

If you come up short, here are some of my favorites that I know would be so grateful for your support: 

Finally, I’m grateful for you and all of the amazing and inspiring people who have been ushered into my life because of Invigorate. I’ve met people diagnosed with Parkinson’s, therapists, business owners, authors, non-profit founders, role models, physicians, researchers, inventors, care partners, and students who have all reminded me, in one way or another, the strength of the human spirit and the beauty of life.

Thank you, again, from the very bottom of my heart, for being part of this journey. It has meant the world to me.

Keep moving forward - I’m always rooting for you!

Big hugs,



  1. The Parkinson’s Plan of Attack Workshop has been re-homed. It now exists as part of the Davis Phinney Foundation’s educational platform at

  2. The Parkinson’s Booster Program has been re-homed. It now exists as part of the Parkinson Wellness Recovery (PWR!) Virtual Experience platform at (Use code “INVIGORATE30” for $50 off your first month’s membership.)​

  3. The Parkinson’s Core Strength Mini Series can be found on the Davis Phinney Foundation’s 4-part blog series. Start with Part I here:

  4. The YouTube channel & blog resources remain available.