Caring For Someone With Advanced Parkinson's Disease

Caring For Someone With Advanced Parkinson's Disease

For caregivers and their loved ones in the later stages of Parkinson’s, this time can be incredibly challenging emotionally, physically, and financially. However, there are simple ways to make this chapter of Parkinson’s easier on you, as a caregiver, and on your loved one.

Parkinson's Caregiver Tips - Laying the Groundwork Early After Diagnosis

Parkinson's Caregiver Tips - Laying the Groundwork Early After Diagnosis

Has someone you care about recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease? Are you wondering how you - as a spouse, partner, or family member - can step into the caregiver role and what you should expect in the days, months, and years ahead? Today we’re talking about how to lay the groundwork early after a Parkinson’s diagnosis to ensure you, as a caregiver, and your loved one can move forward together in an effective and powerful way.